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Rico Rally Europe Tour

This 7 day European Road Trip takes on some of the best driving roads & Passes in the Alps. We will be enjoying a 3 night stop-over in one of our hand picked hotels (no re-packing of luggage) with short and full day driving options for these days.
Tour Start Date End Date
Rico Rally Sunday 20th June 2021 Friday 25th June 2021

Slovenia, Italy, Austria and Germany

Unlike many other road trips on offer Rico Rally starts and finishes in the UK.

Each year we spend a lot of time planning new and exciting routes, and then we go and drive them to ensure when you do they are the best available in the respective areas.

This 7 day European Road Trip takes on some of the best driving roads & Passes in the Alps. We will be enjoying a 3 night stop-over in one of our hand picked hotels (no re-packing of luggage) with short and full day driving options for these days. On this adventure we drive the Fluela, San Bernardino, Gotthard, Furka, Grimsel and Susten Passes, to name just a few


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